
Animals adapt their behavior in response to informative sensory cues using multiple brain circuits. The activity of midbrain dopaminergic neurons is thought to convey a critical teaching signal: reward-prediction error. Although reward-prediction error signals are thought to be essential to learning, little is known about the dynamic changes in the activity of midbrain dopaminergic neurons as animals learn about novel sensory cues and appetitive rewards. Here we describe a large dataset of cell-attached recordings of identified dopaminergic neurons as naive mice learned a novel cue–reward association. During learning midbrain dopaminergic neuron activity results from the summation of sensory cue-related and movement initiation-related response components. These components are both a function of reward expectation yet they are dissociable. Learning produces an increasingly precise coordination of action initiation following sensory cues that results in apparent reward-prediction error correlates. Our data thus provide new insights into the circuit mechanisms that underlie a critical computation in a highly conserved learning circuit.

Full raw data set available for any request, please just email the first author at: [email protected]

Simulation and code for figure 8

%% SIMULATION SCRIPT FOR MODEL IN Coddington & Dudman (2018)

% Create impulse response functions (approximated as Gaussian)
indep_resp_func = 1;
t           = 1:800;
Mu          = 500;
Sigma       = 20;
tmp_gauss   = ( 1./( sqrt(2.*pi.*Sigma.*Sigma) ) ) .* exp( -(t-Mu).^2 ./ (2.*Sigma).^2 );
integral    = trapz(tmp_gauss);
tmp_gauss   = tmp_gauss./integral;

da_imp_resp_f_ee = tmp_gauss;

if indep_resp_func
    t       = 1:800;
    Mu      = 620;
    Sigma   = 60;
    tmp_gauss = ( 1./( sqrt(2.*pi.*Sigma.*Sigma) ) ) .* exp( -(t-Mu).^2 ./ (2.*Sigma).^2 );
    integral = trapz(tmp_gauss);
    tmp_gauss = tmp_gauss./integral;

    scale_factor = 3;
    da_imp_resp_f_ei = (da_imp_resp_f_ee.*scale_factor) - 0.9.*tmp_gauss;
    da_imp_resp_f_ei = da_imp_resp_f_ei * 1.25;
    da_imp_resp_f_ei = da_imp_resp_f_ee;

figure(301); clf;

% Hard-coded generative model derived from fits to behavioral data
learning_stage = {'early' , 'middle' , 'late'};
    mu_p            = [260 200 160];
    sig_p           = [120 120 100];
    mu_u            = [275 280 300];
    sig_u           = [100 100 40];
    mu_u2           = [60 60 60];
    sig_u2          = [40 40 40];
    fast_rxn_scale  = [0 0.45 0.6];
    fast_rxn_pred   = [0 0.8 0.6];

    scale_pred      = [0.7 0.45 0.28]*0.5;
    scale_unpred    = [0.6 0.6 0.4]*0.5;

    scale_sensory   = [0 0.7 0.8];
    mu_sens         = [120 150 110];
    sig_sens        = [35 30 20];

% Examine the changes in the summed mDA response due to changes associated with learning
for stage = 1:numel(mu_p)

    fl_pred = TNC_CreateGaussian(mu_p(stage),sig_p(stage),1000,1);

    fl_pred(1:mu_p(stage)) = fl_pred(1:mu_p(stage))+ (fast_rxn_pred(stage) * (fl_pred(mu_p(stage))-fl_pred(1:mu_p(stage))));

    g = ( 1./( sqrt(2.*pi.*sig_u(stage).*sig_u(stage)) ) ) .* exp( -([1:1000]-mu_u(stage)).^2 ./ (2.*sig_u(stage)).^2 );
    tmp1 = g ./ trapz(g);

    g = ( 1./( sqrt(2.*pi.*sig_u2(stage).*sig_u2(stage)) ) ) .* exp( -([1:1000]-mu_u2(stage)).^2 ./ (2.*sig_u2(stage)).^2 );
    tmp2 = g./trapz(g);

    fl_unpred = tmp1 + (fast_rxn_scale(stage)*tmp2);
    fl_unpred = fl_unpred ./ trapz(fl_unpred);

    g = ( 1./( sqrt(2.*pi.*sig_sens(stage).*sig_sens(stage)) ) ) .* exp( -([1:1000]-mu_sens(stage)).^2 ./ (2.*sig_sens(stage)).^2 );
    fl_sensory = g ./ trapz(g);

    fl_pred     = [fl_pred.*scale_pred(stage)];
    fl_unpred   = [fl_unpred.*scale_unpred(stage)];
    fl_sensory  = [fl_sensory.*scale_sensory(stage)];

    figure(301); % predicted minus unpredicted differences
    subplot(3,3,stage+3); hold off;
    plot(fl_pred,'r'); hold on; plot(fl_unpred,'k');
    if stage==1
        ylabel('Lick initiation (au)');
        xlabel('Time from reward (ms)');

    subplot(3,3,stage); hold off;
    pred_da = conv(fl_pred,da_imp_resp_f_ei,'same') + conv(fl_sensory,da_imp_resp_f_ee,'same');
    unpred_da = conv(fl_unpred,da_imp_resp_f_ei,'same') + conv(fl_sensory,da_imp_resp_f_ee,'same');
    plot(1:numel(fl_pred),pred_da,'r',1:numel(fl_pred),unpred_da,'k'); hold on;
    axis([0 numel(fl_pred) -0.001 0.0125]);
    plot([1 1],[-0.001 0.0125],'k--');
    if stage==1
        ylabel('Predicted DA response (au)');
        xlabel('Time from reward (ms)');
    title(learning_stage{stage}); axis off

    if stage==1
        hold off;
    plot(pred_da,'r','linewidth',stage); hold on;
    xlabel('Time from reward (ms)');
    title('Predicted'); axis off

    if stage==1
        hold off;
    plot(unpred_da,'k','linewidth',stage); hold on;
    xlabel('Time from reward (ms)');
    title('Unpredicted'); axis off

    pred_da_ee = conv(fl_sensory,da_imp_resp_f_ee,'same');
    pred_da_ei = conv(fl_pred,da_imp_resp_f_ei,'same');
    unpred_da_ei = conv(fl_unpred,da_imp_resp_f_ei,'same');
    unpred_da_ee = conv(fl_sensory,da_imp_resp_f_ee,'same');

    subplot(2,3,stage); hold off;
    plot(1:numel(fl_pred),pred_da,'k','linewidth',3,'color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); hold on;
    plot(1:numel(fl_pred),pred_da_ei,'c-.','linewidth',2,'color',[0 0.67 1]); hold on;
    axis([0 numel(fl_pred) -0.001 0.0125]);
    plot([1 1],[-0.001 0.0125],'k--'); box off;
    if stage==1
        ylabel('Predicted DA response (au)');
        xlabel('Time from reward (ms)');

    subplot(2,3,stage+3); hold off;
    plot(1:numel(fl_pred),unpred_da,'k','linewidth',3,'color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); hold on;
    plot(1:numel(fl_pred),unpred_da_ei,'c-.','linewidth',2,'color',[0 0.67 1]); hold on;
    axis([0 numel(fl_pred) -0.001 0.0125]);
    plot([1 1],[-0.001 0.0125],'k--'); box off;
    if stage==1
        ylabel('Unredicted DA response (au)');
        xlabel('Time from reward (ms)');
